What makes Passage To Liberty so unique?

Passage To Liberty’s mission is to end tyrannical rule by exposing corruption and equipping the People to fight tyrannical impositions. We do this by conducting deep research and documentation, providing wisdom and strategic guidance born from our own experiences fighting despotism, preparing, serving and filing powerful legal documents, providing live training, creating powerful legal structures, and supplying other products and services that are needed to survive oppression. Our followers, subscribers and clients tend to be truth seekers, pro per litigants and people seeking an end to totalitarianism.

Who else does this kind of deep research?

We have found that most government attorneys and many private practice attorneys are ill equipped to deal with the facts of law and sane existence which we uncover, publish and teach. Much of Passage To Liberty’s research is focused upon uncovering critical legal facts that people can use in their battles with tyrannical government agents. We aim to discover and publish vital gems that you will never find in the news, or by researching through common public resources, or even in courses at law school. Our work exposes lies by disseminating facts that are being hidden from view to a greater and greater extent daily. Subscribe to ensure that you don’t miss any of our revealing, educational and timely articles.

PTL is tenacious, relentless, … and under-funded.

Passage To Liberty is driven by principle, not money. We seek to expose and punish the unconstitutional acts and intentional deceptions of our public servants and their partners in media and Big Tech. That work takes a tremendous amount of perseverance and dedication to the cause. For example, each article published here is the result of many, many hours of research and analysis into the subject matter presented. Attorneys pay tens of thousands of dollars for the kind of research and analysis that goes into our summary articles, but they never seem to come across the facts we are able to uncover. Please subscribe here and on our Web site to stay informed, connect with others, and learn how to defend your rights. Also, please consider donating to enable our research, fighting and publishing to continue.


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We are leading the movement back to trustworthy legal aid and journalism by applying the long-lost discipline of tenacious, documented research. We want you to know the truth, understand law & learn to defend your rights against tyrannical impositions.


A truth seeker, researcher, writer, legal scholar, protector of liberty, and a harbinger of things to come.